Meet Our Pastors

Bishop Andrew and Rev. Michaelia Daubon
Bishop Andrew Daubon, our Senior Pastor, is an Ordained Bishop with the Church of God and a SNECOG Regional Executive Council member. He is the District Overseer for the Springfield District of churches. He is married to the "Eighth Wonder of the World," Rev. Michaelia Daubon, who has partnered with him in ministry as the assistant pastor of the Celestial Praise Church of God in Springfield, MA, since August 2010.
Bishop Daubon holds a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with Honors and is a recipient of the Counseling Award from Pentecostal Theological Seminary. In addition, he received his Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of Hartford and his teaching diploma from Mico University College in Jamaica. Bishop Daubon was valedictorian for his Church of God MIP (Ministerial Internship Program) class.
Bishop Daubon is the author of the book Marriage A Loveseat for Two, and with his wife, he has been conducting marriage enrichment events in the US, Canada, and Jamaica. The couple also provides premarital and marital coaching and counseling in the US and overseas and have appeared on NBC's channel 22 Mass Appeal TV show in Western MA to speak on relationship matters.
Rev. Michaelia Daubon, an Ordained Minister with the Church of God, sits on the SNECOG Regional Women's board and is District Women's Discipleship Director, Springfield, MA.
Rev. Daubon also holds a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with Honors and is a recipient of the Counseling Award from Pentecostal Theological Seminary. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of Hartford and her teaching diploma from Mico University College in Jamaica. Rev. Daubon was the valedictorian for her class at Ebenezer Bible Institute.
Rev. Michaelia is gifted in the creative and performing arts. Her passion for ministry revolves around empowering people to become all God has ordained them to be. She has a heart for those who have had adverse childhood experiences and trauma that impact them in adult life and relationships. She has been called upon to minister at conferences, revivals, and workshops in the United States, Canada, and Jamaica. Rev. Michaelia is the author of the book and accompanying workbook, Mended Yet Broken: Journey to Healing and Wholeness.
Bishop and Rev. Daubon are blessed with two beautiful daughters, Anthia and Maliha. He and his wife serve as a multitalented ministry team and seek only to bring to life the reality of God's Word in the lives of those who dare to believe that "with God all things are possible."